
9, 102, 3 1, 5, 6, 7, 8RQ: What are the challenging tasks students frequently experience in EMI as implemented by the Depart----Table 2 Distribution of Each Task by Category per QuadrantHigh Frequency & High Difficulty(1st Quadrant)16, 17, 21, 23 27, 28, 2936, 37, 4135, 38, 39, 4049High Frequency & Low Difficulty(2nd Quadrant)15, 24304344, 45, 46, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55Low Frequency & Low Difficulty(3rd Quadrant)4, 11, 12, 13, 14Low Frequency & High Difficulty(4th Quadrant)8518, 19, 20, 22, 25, 2631, 32, 33, 344247, 48, 50, 56Before and After ClassLectureDiscussionPresentationAssignmentDiscussionThis section reviews distinctive tasks in the high-frequency and high-difficulty group for each category based on the results of the descriptive statistics summarized in the previous section. Doing so, it discusses the English skills required for the EMI of this department in question. As Tahara et al. (2021) suggest that English language skills required for EMI should be prioritized and strengthened based on highly frequent and difficult tasks, it is possible to provide guidelines for which English language skills should be developed for students who take EMI courses by prioritizing the identification of these types of tasks. In addition, the information on those crucial tasks in EMI is also helpful for those who implement EMI (e.g., instructors and curriculum developers) to create pedagogical tasks that simulate the actual tasks (e.g., Serafini & Torres, 2015) in EMI. Our research question is presented again below.ment of English Language and Literature, School of Education at Waseda University?In the before-and-after-class category, researching specialized content in English using the Internet (Q1), reading assigned chapters, grasping an outline, finding specific information in specialized textbooks written in English (Q5, Q6, and Q7), and careful reading for comprehension of specialized content (Q8) were classified as high-frequency and high-difficulty tasks. Notably, the reading tasks in Q5, Q6, and Q7 exhibit relatively high mean scores for both frequency and difficulty, with slight variation. Thus, reading skills are crucial in EMI to perform much reading, find specific information, or grasp the outline to complete the reading assignment. This result is broadly consistent with a questionnaire survey in a similar context by Tahara et al. (2021), which shows that reading chapters, grasping an outline, and careful reading are highly frequent and difficult. As one of the pedagogical aspects of EMI, reading assignments for specialized content are required to maximize the amount of target language input through reading assignments (Harada, 2017). Reading specialized textbooks is one of the most difficult tasks frequently experienced by students in EMI in our department. Hence, the importance of reading skills in EMI was

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