Ⅰ.TreatisesRyuta YAMAMOTO, Hiroyuki YOSHIDA ………………… 37Ryo MORIYA, Kana MATSUMURA ………………… 77Yuya AKATSUKA …………………… 1Tomoko ADACHI ………………… 21Shunsuke IKE, Ryoji SAITORyosuke KAKINUMA ………………… 55Shuhei KUDO, Akiko KIYOTAKenichiro SHIMIZU ………………… 91Jingxian WAN …………………109ContentsIntegration of Erickson’s Conceptual Learning Model within EFL Lessons: Focus on Critical Thinking Theoretical Frameworks and the Development of Teacher Expertise Time Allocation Planning among Japanese Youth: Do They Envision the Future as Ideal? Essay on Fieldwork Instruction in Geography Education A Study on the Comparability of Islands on Maritime Boundaries Frequent and Challenging Tasks for Learners in English-Medium Instruction Courses: A Questionnaire Survey for English Majors The Tung Wen College(TōA Dōbun Shoin)and the International Student Fellowship of Shanghai: from the viewpoint of the International Network of Peace Education/Movement Development of the Jiangsu Provincial College of Education in the Republic of China
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