――.393**.330**-.366**-.163**-.084*.064.692**-.331**-.151**-.145**.493**.027-.306**-.161**.020.139**.185**-.181**-.142**.021―-.169**-.395**―-.316**-.162**-.394**―.103**-.295**-.146**-.389**―.013―-.231**-.186**―-.513**-.291**-.374**―.187**-.517**-.255**-.198**―-.192**1)―2)3)-.252**-.304**.514**-.088*-.0364)5)6)7)-.133**-.201**-.010.519**-.051-.058-.236**-.076-.016.281**8)9)10)11)271) GenderProspective2) Housework3) Childcare4) Paid work5) Learning6) LeisureIdeal7) Housework8) Childcare9) Paid work10) Learning11) LeisureGender male=1; female=2*** p < .001, ** p < .01, * p < .05Table 2 Correlation Coefficients between Outlook and Ideal Time Allocation for the Five Activity AreasRelation between Prospective and Ideal Time AllocationTable 1 shows that the participants allocated the most amount of time to paid work in both prospec-tive (M = 3.456, SD = 1.744) and ideal aspects (M = 2.744, SD = 1.703), with the former being longer than the latter. Regarding housework and childcare, the participants allotted slightly longer time to the prospective (M = 2.120, SD = 1.126; and M = 2.080, SD = 1.394, respectively) than to the ideal dimension (M = 1.969, SD = 1.249; and M = 1.985, SD = 1.319, respectively). Learning and leisure time was longer in the ideal (M = 0.928, SD = 1.046; and M = 2.374, SD = 1.878, respectively) than in the prospective aspect (M = 0.863, SD = 1.083; and M = 1.482, SD = 1.054, respectively). Of the five activity areas, learning was allocated the least amount of time in both ideal and prospective dimensions, while leisure time was allotted the second longest time in the ideal aspect after paid work but only the second shortest time in the prospective area. In terms of social norms, men were assigned as long as 5.048 of paid work (SD = 2.132), while women were assigned 1.782 (SD = 1.516), which was less than half the allocation for men. For women, 3.414 were allocated to housework (SD = 1.597) and 3.109 for childcare (SD = 1.362), nearly twice as much time as for men (M = 1.331, SD = 1.085; and M = 1.459, SD = 1.083, respectively). Leisure time allocated to men (M = 1.479, SD = 1.057) was slightly longer than that to women (M = 1.196, SD = 1.020), and the time allotted to learning was shorter for both men (M = 0.684, SD = 0.877) and women (M = 0.498, SD = 0.734). Table 2 summarizes the correlation coefficients between gender and prospective and ideal time allocation. For prospective time allocation, gender was associated with three of the five activity areas, with women allotting longer time to housework (r = .393) and childcare (r = .330) and men allocating longer time
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