2. Concerning the poem Takukyo Shunsetu (謫居春雪) by Sugawara Michizane (菅原道真) of 3. Concerning the first of the poems Dojo Shichishu (道情七首) by Nakano Shoyo (中野逍遙) 198The high school Japanese language (国語) subject, “Language Culture (言語文化)” (which started in 2022) was reorganized as a common compulsory subject in accordance with the High School Curriculum Guidelines (高等学校学習指導要領) announced in 2018. It was established as a new subject to be studied by all students(共通必履修科目), with deepening the understanding of the Language Culture of Japan and cultivating awareness of leading figures in this area as the principal objective.While having in mind Japanese Chinese literature (日本漢文), post-modern literary language and Chinese poetry etc., which has been included in classical ancient Japanese and Chinese literature (古文・漢文), and checking the High School Curriculum Guidelines and the Commentary to the School Curriculum Guidelines (高等学校学習指導要領解説), we promoted the study sectional research meeting and focused on the teaching materials of Language Culture.Here, I would like to share my personal thoughts on the three teaching materials below: 1. Concerning the poem Fengqiao Ye Bo (楓橋夜泊) by Zhang Ji (張継) of the Tang (唐) Dynasty, which has not been selected as a new teaching material for this subject: In this article, I will introduce the cultural and historical meaning of this poem from the perspectives of Japanese modern writers’ descriptions, new poetry by diplomats, and Kanzanji temples (寒山寺) built in Japan.the Japanese Heian (平安) Period: I will consider Michizane’s thoughts and the sources of their expressions by examining poetic terms such as baika (梅花) and shunsetsu (春雪), gansoku (雁足) and utou (烏頭).of the Meiji (明治) Period: Nakano Shoyo was born in the 3rd year of the Keio (慶応) era and was in the same class in the prep school of Tokyo University (東京大学予備門) as Masaoka Shiki (正岡子規) and Natsume Soseki (夏目漱石), but died at the young age of 27 years old. In this article, I will focus on the expression of affection in mainly the first poem of Dojo Shichishu.Makoto HORIOn the Classical Chinese Teaching Materialsin the Language Culture (言語文化) Textbook
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