
195Exploring the Potential of Student Assistant (SA)/Teaching Assistant (TA) Implications and Challenges Identified through a Literature ReviewSystem to Enhance EAP/EMI Courses: This paper explores the use of the Student Assistant (SA)/Teaching Assistant (TA) system in English for Academic Purposes (EAP) and English-Medium Instruction (EMI) by reviewing existing literature on the use of this system in Japan. The SA/TA system provides tutoring and supplementary support within a classroom setting, under the supervision and responsibility of the instructor. The benefits include not only improving students’ understanding of the course, but also facilitating efficient class management and communication between instructors and students. It also benefits the assistants’ own learning and teaching experience. Especially in EAP/EMI courses, the SA/TA system is expected to act as an important bridge to overcome language barriers. There are, however, challenges and areas for improvement. If assistants fail to build a rapport with students, it will affect the quality of the education; inadequacies in prior training of SA/TAs may also lead to less effective results. Therefore, the environment and the training process need to be properly considered to maximize the effectiveness of SA/TA system. The following three recommendations can be made for the application of the SA/TA system in EAP/EMI courses at the university: 1) conduct a needs analysis of what kind of support is needed in the classes concerned; 2) properly understand the current effectiveness of SA/TAs by questionnaires and discussion; and 3) enhance effectiveness of SA/TAs by providing them with regular training and feedback. It is important to systematically examine the SA/TA system in future research and practice to explore effective ways of operating the SA/TA system for all participants in EAP/EMI courses.Kana MATSUMURA, Ryo MORIYA, Akiko KIYOTA, Shuhei KUDO

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