早稲田教育評論 第37号第1号

(1) Students who wished to enter graduate school spent more time studying outside of class than those who wished to go as far as undergraduate degrees. In particular, from the first to the third year of high school, students who wished to enter doctoral programs spent significantly more time studying than those who wished to go on to undergraduate programs. (2) While students who wished to go on to graduate school tended to think that the subject content was interesting and were “motivated by their interests,” they tended to be more reluctant to participate in “school events.” Regarding “motivation for inquiry-based learning,” the results suggested that in the group of students who have experienced presentations on inquiry-based learning, “motivation for inquiry-based learning” may be lower for students who wish to enter doctoral programs than for those who wish to go up to undergraduate degrees. (3) Students who wished to enter graduate school were also more active in out-of-school activities such as library use, off-campus volunteer work, and museum visits.214Analysis of high school students who intend to go to graduate school: focusing on students from high schools affiliated with private universitiesThis paper focuses on high school students’ prospects for going to undergraduate or graduate schools, and examines the learning behavior, motivation, and learning attitudes of students who have been considering graduate school since high school. This study also attempts to examine the significance of focusing on high school students’ prospects for graduate school in graduate school research.This study examined a questionnaire survey of students at private university-affiliated high schools that are highly selective as to their student intake and where most students enter college, said survey being broken down by each student’s desired stage of higher education (undergraduate, master’s, or doctoral). The findings were as follows.This paper suggested that students’ learning behavior, motivation, and learning attitudes differ depending on their future prospects of attending undergraduate or graduate school. Finally, we discussed the significance of focusing not only on graduate students or post-graduates, but also on high school students and their prospects regarding higher education prior to entering college.Hiroko MUTOH

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