早稲田教育評論 第37号第1号

212What is Taught in the Mass Education during the Period of the Republic of China: A Content Analysis of Mass Education TextbooksTo understand the nature of mass education as it developed during the period of the Republic of China (ROC), it is necessary to scrutinize the textbooks of the time. In this paper, the mass education textbooks utilized throughout the ROC period is analyzed, focusing on what that mass education conveyed to the people in those times, and elucidate the specific educational content of that mass education and the ideal for the people that was desired.A number of these mass education textbooks were published between 1928 and 1949, but their content varied a great deal. In the early 1930s, the mass education textbooks that emphasized the improvement of reading and writing skills gradually became more civics-oriented. The Ministry of Education of the ROC revised the well-liked education textbooks in 1936, and introduced a new textbook titled “民衆学校課本”.The “民衆学校課本” was organized based on the educational goal of “providing the people with the knowledge and skills necessary for civics,” and included an extensive range of subjects such as history, geography, hygiene and nature, and was focused on promoting national consciousness and patriotism amongst the people. Nevertheless, the majority of the historical figures in the textbook were patriotic heroes, and much of the content on daily life concerned the people adapting their lifestyle to the value norms that the national government was demanding. It can be said that the textbook of the time tried to educate and indoctrinate the people to align their values with those of the national government by the careful selection and organization of the content.At that time in Chinese society, when literacy rates were particularly low, it is obvious that literacy textbooks such as the “民衆学校課本”, that were utilized in mass educational facilities all through the country, were a significant means of creating, maintaining and strengthening the national identity in China at the time. The people learned and acquired symbols of their nationality such as the national flag, national anthem, national calendar and national celebration through these textbooks and formed a common national identity.Jingxian WAN

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