早稲田教育評論 第37号第1号

202(3) Research methods(4) Reconstruction of the framework of research on the history of Asian education ReferencesHirotani, T., Tsukinoki, M., Shimbo, A. and Sano, M. (2007) “History of Colonial Education in the Study of the History of Oriental Education”, the Japan Society for the Historical Studies of Education ed., The Frontiers of Research on the History of Education (Kyoiku Shi Kenkyu no Saizensen), Tokyo: Nihon Tosho Center For example, there are joint research projects with American researchers in the history of Japanese education. There are also collaborations with Chinese researchers. However, overall, there is still a lack of joint research with researchers outside Japan.The research on the history of Asian education has so far emphasized an in-depth examination of historical materials. However, I believe that research that uses a variety of data (quantitative data, qualitative data (interviews, graphics)) will be required in the future. An increasing number of researchers are engaged in historical research that uses both quantitative and qualitative data. However, these researchers do not participate in JSHSE-Eastern (Yumiko Ochiai, a family historian, is a member of this group).Educational history research that makes full use of a variety of data will probably be required in the future.In the research on the history of Asian education to date, many studies have confirmed and clarified these detailed facts. However, there has been a lack of historical research from the perspective of how to situate these facts within a theoretical framework. There is a need for more dynamic research that places facts in the context of historical trends.Research on the history of education in Southeast Asia, South Asia, and West Asia other than East Asia has been steadily accumulating, especially by researchers of the younger generation. However, the number of researchers focusing on Southeast Asia, South Asia, and West Asia is limited to the JSHSE members.This may reflect that research on the history of Asian education has traditionally focused on East Asian studies, particularly Chinese and Korean studies, as its mainstream. This issue should be considered in future studies, including restructuring the framework of research on the history of Asian education in Japan.Kitamura, K., Sano, M. and Shimbo, A. (2018) “Research on the History of Education in East Asian Colonies”, the Japan Society for the Historical Studies of Education ed.,The Frontiers of Research on the History of EducationⅡ (Kyoiku Shi Kenkyu no Saizensen Ⅱ), Tokyo: Rokka ShuppanShimbo, A. (2018a) Muslims in China under Japanese occupation: The ethnic minority policy and women’s education in the North China and Mongol Military Governments, Tokyo: Waseda University Press Shimbo, A. (2018b)Perception of China by Japan during the Meiji Era, Gakujutsu Kenkyu, 67

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