早稲田教育評論 第37号第1号

5. Future direction of the research on the history of Asian education and the JSHSE (1) Dissemination of information in English(2) Necessity of international collaborative research201occupation policy, and the damage caused to the Muslims involved was enormous. There has been a growing number of studies on the Hui people under Japanese occupation in recent years (Shimbo, 2021).For example, Atsuko Shimbo (2018a) investigated secondary education for girls in the Hui minority community under the Japanese occupation. Although girls’ education was a particularly lagging area in Hui education, aggressive educational measures were implemented for Hui girls and youth as part of the occupation policy.This book examined the Japanese occupation of China from the perspectives of ethnic minorities and the Japanese military, war, gender, occupation policy, and ethnic minorities.The Asian Division of the Society for the History of Education has played a key role as the backbone of the Society for the History of Education. However, the number of members belonging to the “Asian” section of the Society for the History of Education is currently decreasing. In addition, the number of researchers who have contributed to the History of Education in Japan in the field of Asia is decreasing. The future direction of research on the history of Asian education and the Society for the History of Education in Japan, including my reflections on research on the history of Asian education are as follows.Historical research has traditionally flourished in Japan. This is symbolized by the many researchers in the field of education (the Japan Society for the History of Education has 800 members, and not many countries have such a large number of researchers in the history of education).A distinctive feature of Japanese historical research is its objective positivism based on materials. Many studies are ascetically based on materials and facts, rather than broad arguments based on historical perspectives.Inheriting this tradition of Japanese historiography, research on the history of education in Asia has also emphasized carefully verifying facts based on documents.However, the research on the history of Asian education in Japan has not been able to keep up with the trend of globalization and the development of historical research worldwide and is currently Galapagosizing.I would like to suggest a direction for improvement in the future.We believe that what the research on the history of Asian education conducted thus far is empirical. These are excellent, objective, and empirical studies based on historical materials. However, because they are not written in English, they have not been included in major databases and not been referred to by researchers in other countries.We believe that it is essential to disseminate information in English.Collaborative research with researchers from other countries will be necessary in the future.

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