早稲田教育評論 第37号第1号

【Reports】Current Status and Issues of Research on the History of Asian Education in Japan: Focusing on the Trend of the Asian Section 195Keywords: Japan Society for the Historical Studies of Education, Research on the History of Asian Education, 【Abstract】This study will examine the current status and challenges of research on the history of Asian education in Japan. I will particularly focus on the trends in the Asian division of the Japan Society for the Historical Studies of Education (JSHSE).Research Bulletin of the Japan Society for the Historical Studies of Education1. Trends of research on the history of Asian education in JapanFirst, I will explore trends of Research on the History of Asian Education in Japan. Secondly, I introduce Research of History of Asian Education at JSHSE.Thirdly, I will investigate tendency of Asian-related articles published in the Studies in the History of Education: in recent years. Fourthly, I explore research on the History of Colonial Education. Fifthly, I explore future direction of the researches on history of Asian education and the JSHSE.This section provides an overview of the trends of research on the history of Asian education in Japan from the Meiji period to the post-World War II period (Taga, 1959).The first period was marked by Japan’s succession in the Meiji Restoration, domestic unification, and the Japanese people’s increased interest in Asia. Specifically, it was the period from around the Sino-Japanese War to the end of World War I.Research on the History of Asian Education during this period began with a study on the history of Japanese education. Originally, the History of Asian Education included Japan. Traditionally, China has strongly influenced Japanese education, and many works discuss this influence (Shimbo, 2018b).For example, Hanjiro Nakajima’s History of Asian Education (published by Waseda University) is representative of the history of Asian education during this period. It is divided into two parts: the first part is about Japan, and the second part is about China. It also states that other regions strongly influence the education of a country. In particular, in the case of Japan, it is critical to clarify how it is influenced by China and the West. For this reason, the book also describes in detail the educational thought of ancient China, including Confucius and Mencius and the education of the Zhou Dynasty.The second period was marked by increased Chinese resistance to Japan in response to Japan’s military ambitions toward China. Specifically, it was the period from the 5.4 Incident after the end of in Japan Society for the Historical Studies of EducationAtsuko SHIMBO

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