早稲田教育評論 第36号第1号

(repeating)When do you decide that? Do you decide before the class or on the day of the class?On the day.It depends on the weather or something...? (Jokingly)Weather is pretty important. If it’s really sunny, I can feel like I can try.Yeah, yeah, yeah.It’s really true, ... the weather.I was joking, Satomi...It’s true. If I didn’t have that sunlight...EVEVEVEVABABABORCAREABABORCAREEVORREEV50Excerpt 10, final interview: On the vergeI felt like it was emotionally tough to get to that point. I had to work this hard, um, to participate, um, the class, and I had to put this much effort, um, I couldn’t attend the lesson without feeling anxiety –I got tired of that. I think, I was like, I got so tired of working hard to fill that part.That last part...I have to make up for it, you know, in my case.“It’s me, so I have to do this”... So, I think I was like, if I had to do this, being absent is an option so that I didn’t have to work for the whole week.Were you like that... Is that right... But if you are absent, you won’t get the attendance point, right?Right.But still...[The wish to skip the class] Would win over that (attendance point).Over that...It’s relieving to take a break and stop trying hard than lowering the grade...So you had a dilemma, Satomi?Yes, every week, there was a time when I was like, “What shall I do, what shall I do this week?”Researcher:Satomi:Researcher:Satomi:Researcher:Satomi:Researcher:Satomi:Researcher:Satomi:Researcher:Satomi:Researcher:Satomi:Researcher:Satomi:Researcher:Satomi:早稲田教育評論 第 36 巻第1号Excerpt 9 reveals that Satomi thought “being absent is an option so that I didn’t have to work for the whole week.” However, it is noteworthy that she still attended every class (except for being sick one time). However, behind her attendance, there was a dilemma. Every Thursday morning, she wondered whether she should be absent. She was on the verge, as even a small thing such as sunshine could change her decision (Excerpt 10).

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