早稲田教育評論 第36号第1号

Satomi:Satomi:Researcher:Satomi: Researcher:Satomi:Researcher:Satomi:Yes. I would be afraid when something that I wouldn’t have imagined happens... Well, it would be OK if it was in Japanese, but in English, I can’t say what I want to say, so ... well, like... I want to be in a state where things are under control. So, I had to prepare everything I could think of, otherwise, I would be very worried... I was like that.Because I can’t speak, I can’t get into conversations, or when someone asks me a question, it’s something unexpected, and I’m not prepared, so I can’t give a response, and I feel so embarrassed...Yeah, yeah, yeah... You get random questions, and you can’t make a response, and then you get perplexed? Yeah. I get perplexed...How do you feel other than being perplexed? Is there anything else?I think I get confused. First, I think of what to answer, then how to say that in English, and I get perplexed. I go like whoaaa. Quite like that...Is it like you understand what they’re asking?I can understand what they’re asking, but I don’t speak up myself...OREVCAEVREEVEVCAORCACAEVEVEVCAEVOREVABCAEV48Excerpt 5, final interview: Being unable to respond is face-threatening.Excerpt 6, second-week journal: All I could do was to nod “Yes, yes.”Today, I couldn’t get involved in the discussion at all today. All I could do was to nod “Yes, yes” to what everyone else was saying. I thought I must work hard. 早稲田教育評論 第 36 巻第1号Based on my observation, my impression of Satomi was that she was an intelligent, elegant, reserved student in the class, just like the other students. I could hardly notice she was experiencing a state of perplexity and anxiety. Being unable to reply to a peer’s questions is embarrassing, even face-threatening for Satomi (Excerpt 4, 5), as she had the belief that it was “natural” for students in her EMI program to speak English perfectly (Finding 1). Satomi’s linguistic choice of the expressive sound “whoaaa” in Excerpt 5 conveys the intensity of her perplexity.Finding 3: Some Aspects of the Speaking Difficulty Induce Humiliation and Distress

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