早稲田教育評論 第36号第1号

A Diligent Student’s Distress in English-Medium Instruction Classes: A Longitudinal StudySatomi:Satomi:Satomi:Researcher:For example, the mental aspect was the most difficult, or maybe the anxiety was the hardest part, but the physical amount of work was not that much of a burden...Definitely, in my case, I felt uneasy if I didn’t prepare perfectly before going to class. Yes. Like..., well..., then it became quite a burden for me to have to be 100% prepared to attend a class... It was quite... a little hard for me mentally.AB/EVEVEVABEVOREVOR47Excerpt 2, final interview: The emotional burden rather than the amount of work.Excerpt 3, final interview: The pressure to prepare perfectly became a burden.Excerpt 4, final interview: The fear of unprepared social interaction.I’m really terrified of something unforeseen to happen...Something unforeseen?Satomi equates university EMI with “good” English and evaluates that she has to be performing at “this kind of level,” which is the “normal” state of an EMI student. When she faces an unknown word, she makes a blameful evaluation, such as “You don’t even understand this?” Additionally, Satomi contrasts her love for English and the current pressure that she has to “be good at it.” Contrast is a strategic linguistic choice used to convey a meaning. The vivid contrast of her state before entering university and the current state conveys her perplexity, disappointment (“You don’t even understand this?”), and anxiety. Understanding of her belief on this point will be relevant later in understanding her pressure (Finding 2) and her humiliation and distress (Finding 3).Satomi was a diligent student. Each week, students were expected to read around 15 pages with many low-frequency words and disciplinary concepts. I was also reading the course textbook and found that it was not an easy read. The reading seemed challenging enough and distressful. I asked her about it explicitly in the final interview, but she made no single complaint about the amount of reading. Rather, she expressed that it was the emotional burden that was causing the distress. The structure of her narrative in Excerpt 2 shows how she contrasts her evaluation of “the mental aspect” being the most challenging part and “the physical amount of work” being less problematic.Some of the emotional burden was the pressure to prepare for the class “perfectly” (Excerpt 3) and to respond to unprepared social interactions that naturally develop during discussions (Excerpt 4).Finding 2: The Pressure for “100% Preparation” As an Emotional Burden

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