Ⅰ.TreatisesRyosuke KAKINUMA ………………… 21Akiko KIYOTA ………………… 41 Yilei ZHU ………………… 57Woohyang SIM, Hiroko MUTOH ………………… 71Atsuko SHIMBO ………………… 87Ritsu TANIGUCHI ……………… 105Jingxian WAN ……………… 123ContentsAn Investigation of Critical Thinking Approaches in the International Baccalaureate Programme: Focusing on the Relationships of Pedagogical Theories and Teachers’ Narratives Yuya AKATSUKA, Mitsuhiro KIMURA, Mayumi KOMODA …………………… 1A Study on Territories and Boundaries of Ancient Japanese Government A Diligent Student’s Distress in English-Medium Instruction Classes: A Longitudinal Study A Study on the Formation of the Modern Family in 1920s China: On the ideal image and reality of child rearing in intellectual families Learning activities among students from high schools affiliated with private universities: focusing on their different tracks for moving onto their undergraduate studies Secondary Education for Girls under the Japanese Occupation: Focusing on the Mongols in Manchukuo La réforme de l’éducation en Afrique occidentale française avant et après l’indépendance au regard de la vision de l’éducation de Jean Capelle Development of Mass Education Museum During the Nanjing National Government (1927–1949): A Focus on Xuzhou Mass Education Museum
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