247Empirical Research on the Establishment of New Junior High Schools: Focusing on the establishment and development of the principles of education after World War IIThis paper describes how new junior high schools were established in response to the legal enactment of the new junior high schools after World War II, and how the idea of postwar educational reform took place in each region. Whether it was realized or not, it clarifies the arrival point and the bound.To achieve the above objectives, in this study, we will visit the new junior high schools in each region to investigate what kind of materials are available, and then what kind of philosophy and institutional framework the new junior high schools will have in each region. We analyzed whether it was established in Japan and how it was installed. This paper summarizes the contents of the establishment of junior high schools, PTA, and teachers as part of the results of material surveys and discussions.In addition, each member of this study group sets themes related to the new junior high school and takes charge of them to promote consideration for each theme.Kazuki AMEMIYA, Yoji HASEGAWA, Tsugiyoshi YUKAWATakeshi OKUNO, Eisuke KUBOTA, Hodaka NOGUCHI
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