早稲田教育評論 第36号第1号

237A Diligent Student’s Distress in English-Medium Instruction Classes: A Longitudinal StudyA growing need for support exists regarding students struggling in English-medium instruction (EMI) programs. Much focus has been placed on needs analysis, language support, and second language (L2) speaking anxiety. However, few studies have specifically shed light on the psychological distress of students concerning their EMI experiences. This study explores the narrative of a diligent student who experiences distress with a proficiency of 530 on TOEFL ITP. Drawing on multiple data sources, such as weekly student journals, class observation, and two interviews, the findings of this study showed that the student was experiencing unbearable distress, which was shaped not only by linguistic issues but also by the social context and classroom discussion practices in which she was situated. The findings of this paper may add a new understanding of the experience of emergent bilinguals going through EMI programs as their second language socialization processes.Akiko KIYOTA

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